They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky, they’re altogether ooky

We are a very unusual people.
Our phones are really old, we don’t own a TV, and we homeschool our kids, which I guess is not so weird nowadays.
Graeme is a third-generation carpenter and his woodshop is behind the house, so we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together.
We do ALL SORTS of things. Being alive is a lot of fun and we recently filmed a wild music video in Mexico because I (Mrs. Shoe) like to sing on occasion.
If you are a hairy white tourist with plans to go to Mexico (or would never ever go but still appreciate watching people being ridiculous), this video will benefit you greatly.
(DISCLAIMER: No husbands were permanently harmed in the making of this video, but Graeme’s dignity suffered frequently.)
We live in the middle of California, in the middle of an almond orchard, in the middle of the house. Graeme owned and ran an accounting office for a few years but got very bored with it after a while and decided to start making furniture and selling it online. We sold the accounting business and this is his full-time job now.
In addition to accounting and carpentry, Graeme has also tried his hand at quilting, building houses with Habitat for Humanity, flipping houses in a famous Mississippi town (where I fed many mosquitoes and honed my construction skills), and he was ready to catch the baby if the midwife didn’t make it on time.
Just for fun, he made a giant trebuchet for launching and destroying pumpkins with friends in a medieval fashion (that’s what the invite said), shortly after completing a sewing project I wear to church sometimes. Graeme does all sorts of things and has a lot of fun doing them.

Graeme hardly ever looks at his phone.
I am originally from Mexico City, where we met under very peculiar circumstances that evolved into a very quick, terrible wedding in 2012. If it had been a nice wedding there wouldn’t have been a story to tell, though. Silver lining right there.
I am interested in all sorts of things myself, with reading and writing very high up on the list. I’ve designed most of the furniture we sell in our shop, all the silly things we sell in our Funny Shop, and I’ve also been taking on interior design projects in the past year.
I take and edit our product photos, and design all the graphics for our website and blog. I’m decent with a camera but even better with Photoshop because I’ve been using it since I was a teenager and Mexican politicians paid me to have their double chins and braces removed for their billboards.
Sometimes the kids and I go out to the shop to help Graeme package, so if you’re unpacking a bit of furniture from Shoebridge & Co., and find a stick figure guy on the cardboard saying “NO!” you can rest assured it was drawn by a small child and not a strange man in his 30s.
Now you know us a little better.